Comprehensive Cleanup Service ($250)
Gain From Dedicated Team Support, Starting One Hour After Dinner Through to the Conclusion of Your Event. Work Load Includes: Clearing Tables of Plasticware, Keeping up With the Waste Baskets of Garbage, Taking Down the Buffet Table, Cleaning the Kitchen if Catering Didn’t Complete it, & Mopping Up Spills
Gain From Dedicated Team Support, Starting One Hour After Dinner Through to the Conclusion of Your Event. Work Load Includes: Clearing Tables of Plasticware, Keeping up With the Waste Baskets of Garbage, Taking Down the Buffet Table, Cleaning the Kitchen if Catering Didn’t Complete it, & Mopping Up Spills
Gain From Dedicated Team Support, Starting One Hour After Dinner Through to the Conclusion of Your Event. Work Load Includes: Clearing Tables of Plasticware, Keeping up With the Waste Baskets of Garbage, Taking Down the Buffet Table, Cleaning the Kitchen if Catering Didn’t Complete it, & Mopping Up Spills